
Showing posts from July, 2022

Do You Have Questions About Election Day Campaigning?

With 8/2/22 being Primary Election Day in MI, this week's Restore Freedom Weekly episode is all about Election Day Campaign Reminders. Have an election day campaigning question for Constitutional Attorney Katherine Henry?  In this week's episode (going live at 12PM EST Tuesday 8/2/22 on Facebook, Youtube, and other social media), Constitutional Attorney Katherine Henry will go over Election Day Campaigning reminders, then answer questions from voters, petition circulators, law enforcement and campaign volunteers about Election Day Campaigning and our Constitutionally protected rights.  Already have a question you'd like answered?  Submit it here, and we'll do our best to include the answer in the live show. 2s9TRFOeS7K0FPyTgAbvohc [Posted by Lori DeVries]

It Takes Work - Biblical Insight Week 30

If a man will not work, he should not eat (Thessalonians 3:10)   God reminds us that we need to be willing to work if we want to reap any rewards. (Such as in Thessalonians 3:10) So, as we talked about over the last two weeks, make sure you are doing the work to pay attention to what's happening in your local and County levels of government. Stay informed, stay involved, and reap those just societal rewards. #ItTakesWorks  #GetInvolved #Constitution #LocalGovernment #CountyGovernment #Commissioner #Powers #Responsibility #NeedtoKnow #SelfEducate #ThinkForYourself #Local #County #Government  #RestoreFreedomWeekly #Episode30 #RestoreFreedom #MoreFreedomLessGovernment #BiblicalInsight [Posted by Lori DeVries]

Katherine Speaking at Republican Liberty Caucus of W. Volusia Meeting

Are you in FL and would like Katherine to speak at an event/meeting? Not in FL? Katherine can stream into any meeting/event. Reach out to us! #KatherineHenry #Speaking #WestVolusia #RepublicanLibertyCaucus #RLCWV #OrangeCity #MoreFreedomLessGovernment #Meeting #Constitution #Education #Discussion #Speech #IndividualRights #IndividualLiberties [Posted by  Lori  DeVries]

Resources For Identifying County Gov't Officials - FFFT Wk 30

On Wednesday we challenged you to identify your county gov't.  For this week's Freedom Fighting Tools we are giving you resources to help you with this quest. FL's Dept of State List of County Governments with Clickable Links - MI County Map - Click on the County to Visit the County Government's Website - FL County Government Links (Permitting, Licensing, Tax, etc.) - MI - Alphabetical listing of counties & their county seats - #CountyGovernment #Commissioner #Constitution #Powers #Responsibility #NeedtoKnow #GetInvolved #SelfEducate #ThinkForYourself #Local #Government #LocalGovernment #RestoreFreedomWeekly #Episode30 #RestoreFreedom #MoreFreedomLessGovernment #FFT #FridaysFreedomFightingTools #FreedomFightingTools #Freedom #Fighting #Tools [Posted by Lori DeVries]

County Government in US, FL & MI Constitutions - Constitution Segment Recap Wk 30

While we often reference the US, FL & MI Constitutions in our episodes, take time to review your state Constitution and compare.  Knowing what our Constitutions say about county government will help when you are questioning the authorities they have been given. This week’s Constitution Segment Recap PDF can be found here: To watch this week’s full episode of Restore Freedom Weekly #30, go here: #CountyGovernment #Commissioner #Constitution #Powers #Responsibility #NeedtoKnow #GetInvolved #SelfEducate #ThinkForYourself #Local #Government #LocalGovernment #RestoreFreedomWeekly #Episode30 #RestoreFreedom #MoreFreedomLessGovernment #ConstitutionSegment #ConstitutionSegmentRecap  [Posted by Lori DeVries]

Identify Your County Government - Week 30 Way to Get Involved Challenge!

Getting involved locally isn't just about your city/township, it's also being aware of your county government as well.  Click this link to get this week's full 'Way to Get Involved' Challenge: #CountyGovernment #Commissioner #JoeMoss #Constitution #Powers #Responsibility #NeedtoKnow #GetInvolved #SelfEducate #ThinkForYourself #Local #Government #LocalGovernment #RestoreFreedomWeekly #Episode30 #RestoreFreedom #MoreFreedomLessGovernment #WWTGIC #WTGIC #WaytoGetInvolvedChallenge #WaytoGetInvolved #Challenge [Posted by Lori DeVries]

'True or False?' Tuesday - Question & Answer

[Posted by Lori DeVries]

County Government: Constitutional Powers & Responsibilities - Restore Freedom Weekly #30

County Government: Constitutional Powers & Responsibilities, and why you need to know about them! A conversation with County Commissioner Candidate, and Ottawa Impact co-founder, Joe Moss. #CountyGovernment #Commissioner #Constitution #Powers #Responsibility #NeedtoKnow #GetInvolved #SelfEducate #ThinkForYourself #Local #Government #LocalGovernment #RestoreFreedomWeekly #Episode30 #RestoreFreedom #MoreFreedomLessGovernment  [Posted by Lori DeVries]

Friday's Freedom Fighting Tools for Municipal Governments!

For this week’s Freedom Fighting Tools, I have something a little different for you.   First, here are your 3 tools: MI Residents - - This link provides you with the full list of Cities, Townships, and Villages within each county. FL & other residents -  - This link defaults to MI as the state, but you can change it in the top dropdown option, so you can see all the municipalities in your own state. MI's Charter Township Act -   But, I also have 2 organizations / websites to warn you about. These two organizations often have misinformation, especially as it relates to the duties of government bodies & government officials and the rights of citizens.  They often demonstrate a complete lack of knowledge or understanding about the US & MI Constitutions, so BE AWARE! - Bad Inf...

Alison Morrow Interviewing Katherine Henry

Alison quit TV news and went out on her own.   She took the time to interview Katherine about her case.   To find out more about Katherine's case, go to our website R estore F reedom KH .com To find more about Alison, check out these links: JOIN MY EDITORIAL BOARD! RUMBLE: +++++++++++++++++++++ WINE: COFFEE: ++++++++++++++++++++ OFF GRID-ISH LIVING CHANNEL: ++++++++++++++++++++ ROKFIN: ODYSEE: PATREON: MEDIA TRAINING & CONSULTING: [Posted by Lori DeVries]

Constitution Segment Recap on Municipal Gov’t: Constitutional Powers & Responsibilities

In this week's episode, we covered "Municipal Government: Constitutional Powers & Responsibilities, and why you need to know about them! A conversation with a MI Township Trustee." To review the Constitutional Segments on this topic, review the PDF cheatsheet here:   #MunicipalGovernment #TownshipTrustee #Constitution #Powers #Responsibility #NeedtoKnow #GetInvolved #Trustee #Local #Government #LocalGovernment #RestoreFreedomWeekly #Episode29 #RestoreFreedom #MoreFreedomLessGovernment #ConstitutionSegmentRecap #Constitutional [Posted by Lori DeVries]

Municipal Gov’t: Constitutional Powers & Responsibilities - Week 29 Way to Get Involved Challenge!

In yesterday's full episode, we covered "Municipal Government: Constitutional Powers & Responsibilities, and why you need to know about them! A conversation with a MI Township Trustee."  So, today, we offer you a tangible way to get involved with what's happening in YOUR local government.    #MunicipalGovernment #TownshipTrustee #Constitution #Powers #Responsibility #NeedtoKnow #GetInvolved #Trustee #Local #Government #LocalGovernment #RestoreFreedomWeekly #Episode29 #RestoreFreedom #MoreFreedomLessGovernment #WW2GI #WayToGetInvolved [Posted by Lori DeVries]

Municipal Government: Constitutional Powers & Responsibilities - Restore Freedom Weekly #29

Municipal Government: Constitutional Powers & Responsibilities, and why you need to know about them! A conversation with a MI Township Trustee. #MunicipalGovernment #TownshipTrustee #Constitution #Powers #Responsibility #NeedtoKnow #GetInvolved #Trustee #Local #Government #RestoreFreedomWeekly #Episode29 #RestoreFreedom #MoreFreedomLessGovernment  [Posted by Lori DeVries]

Biblical Insight on the Lessons Learned From the Allegan County Case

James 1:25 tells us "But the one who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, being no hearer who forgets but a doer who acts, he will be blessed in his doing." So, keep in mind all the things we are trying to teach you each week, especially the lessons that come out of the Allegan County Election Day case, and use those to continue your own fight for freedom. Don't forget that information, but use it to be most effective in the freedom-fighting actions you do. (See Resources from Allegan County case doc: and Allegan case links: ) #Constitution #Law #Allegan #Resource #FirstAmendment #1stAmendment #1A #IndividualLiberty #Resolution #Ordinance #RestoreFreedom #MoreFreedomLessGovernment #Episode28  #BiblicalInsight [Posted by Lori DeVries]

Episode List if Allegan County Case Resources - Friday's Freedom Fighting Tools

For today's Friday Freedom Fighting Tools, we again invite you to check out the dozens of documents filed in the Allegan County Election Day "Trespass" Case.     There's great examples of various types of Motions, Briefs, and proposed Orders, etc.     Plus, the first PDF listed below serves as a Content Menu to identify which main topics all of these court documents cover.     Whether you have a situation right now, or you will simply inevitably need to defend yourself later, these court documents offer all the basics and more to do so effectively! Resources from Allegan Case: Allegan Motions, Briefs, etc.: #8: Legal Briefs, Cases & How to Use Them #9: Your Right to be on Government property generally & "Trespassing" on privately ow...

Resources You Need - Constitution Segment Recap Wk 28

This week’s constitution segment recap; Allegan County Case Resources.   The first PDF outlines the various topics the Allegan County case covers.   Take time to review it and then go to the Allegan case links.   Resources from Allegan County case doc: Allegan case links: #Constitution #Law #Allegan #Resource #FirstAmendment #1stAmendment #1A #IndividualLiberty #Resolution #Ordinance #RestoreFreedom #MoreFreedomLessGovernment #Episode28 #ConstitutionSegment  [Posted by  Lori DeVries]

Ask at Least One LEO - Week 28 WWTGI Challenge

( Note: some of the audio is out of sync with the video, focus on the words.) Ask at least 1 LEO this week these 3 questions: •What conduct is presumptively protected by the First Amendment? (If he looks confused & is in MI, share MCL 750.543z with him, then ask again.) •Are Resolutions the same as Ordinances, and can you enforce Resolutions upon the public? (For example, can you arrest someone for “violating” a Resolution?) •Have you heard of the Constitutional Sheriffs & Peace Officers Association? #LEO #LawEnforcement #Question #Constitution #Law #FirstAmendment #1stAmendment #1A #Presumptive #Protected #Resolution #Ordinance #CSPOA #RestoreFreedom #MoreFreedomLessGovernment #Episode28 #GetInvolved #WayToGetInvolved #WWTGIC #Challenge [Posted by Lori DeVries]

Allegan Election Day 11-3-20 "Trespass" Case FINALLY Dismissed! Restore Freedom Weekly #28

I n this week's episode we'll be discussing what it took to get it dismissed; what resources are available for YOU in these case documents; what are the next steps for Katherine, the deputies, the prosecutors & judges involved. Resources from Allegan Case: Order of Dismissal: #1stAmendment #EqualProtection #DueProcess #Trespass #DisturbingthePeace #RighttoAccess #RightToLife #RighttoLiberty #RighttoProperty #ADA #SourceofRights #Appeal #CriminalDefense #MotiontoDismiss #SubstantiveDueProcess #ProceduralDueProcess #SubjectMatterJurisdiction #Government #RestoreFreedomWeekly #Episode28 [Posted by Lori DeVries]

Biblical Insight - The Allegan Election Day case dismissal

"You shall not pervert the justice due to your poor in his lawsuit." Exodus 23:6. This week, my Allegan County Election Day 2020 "Trespassing" case was FINALLY dismissed. While I am grateful that God allowed us to close out that chapter of our lives, it took 1 year, 8 months & 4 days; over $4,000 in transcript fees & appellate costs; over 10,000 miles of traveling to the Allegan Courthouse; 19 Motions & 5 Appeals; thousands of pages filed; hundreds of statutes, court rules, cases & Constitutional provisions cited; dealing with 5 Prosecuting Attorneys, 2 District Court Judges & 2 Appellate Judges; thousands of hours of legal research & writing; 11 court hearings; many days off work for Mike; etc to see this justice done. And this still does not make me whole for the countless signatures the RFI petition lost; the many bruises, contusions, cuts, abrasions, etc that I suffered at the hands of those 3 Sheriff's Deputies; the lasting e...

EPA, CDC & *all* Administrative Agencies Unconstitutional - Friday's Freedom Fighting Tools

Friday's Freedom Fighting Tools re Administrative Agencies - CDC, NIH, DOL, DOE, DOT, HHS, DHS, FTC, SEC, EPA - Finally recognized as unconstitutional!     The newest SCOTUS decision about the EPA & Administrative Agencies; a great article from #EpochTimes about the issue & this new case; an easy-to-access online US Constitution: , , #CourtDecision #SCOTUS #Opinion #CasePrecedent #Court #CourtCase #Liberty #IndividualLiberties #ConstitutionMatters #GovernmentTransparency #OpenHearings #DueProcess #TruthMatters #Truth #Constitution #Overturned #Decision #Episode27 #WeThePeople #Law #Rights #SupremeCourt #EPA #CDC #NIH #DOL #DOE #DOT #HHS #DHS #FTC #SEC #Unconstitutional #IndependenceDay #PendletonAct #AdmininstrativeAgencies #Agencies #Government...

EPA, CDC & *all* Administrative Agencies Unconstitutional - Week 27 WWTGI Challenge

Administrative Agencies (like the CDC and EPA, etc) are UNCONSTITUTIONAL, but don't just take my word for it! This week, we challenge you to read this great article about #AdministrativeAgencies AND the SCOTUS summary (only 6 very short pages!) of the newest court decision regarding Administrative Agencies. Don't be afraid of all the "legalese" - in our great Constitutional Republic (government Of the People, By the People and For the People), you've got this! , #CourtDecision #USSupremeCourt #USSCt #SCOTUS #Opinion #CasePrecedent #Court #CourtCase #Liberty #IndividualLiberties #ConstitutionMatters #Transparency #Government #GovernmentTransparency #OpenHearings #DueProcess #TruthMatters #Truth #RestoreFreedom #MoreFreedomLessGovernment #Constitution #Overturned #Decision #RestoreFreedomWeekly #Epi...
UPDATE on another *new* SCOTUS case & Restore Freedom Weekly Episode 27 available at

SCOTUS said there's NO Constitutional "right" to an abortion; What does God say? - Wk 26’s Biblical Insight

SOTUS recently ruled that the US Constitution contains NO "right" to an abortion. In fact, the US Constitution protects our right to Life, Liberty and Property... So, what does God’s word say? Luke 1:41 reminds us, a child in a mother’s womb is a “baby”  Job 3:16 recognizes “a stillborn child” (a baby who dies from natural causes in the womb) is just “like an infant who never saw the light of day” Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” Psalm 22:10 “from my mother’s womb you have been my God,” recognizing God knows us and claims us even before we are born Jeremiah 20:17 NIV “For he did not kill me in the womb, with my mother as my grave, her womb enlarged forever.” Exodus 20:13 & Deuteronomy 5:17 “you shall not murder” Deuteronomy 30:19 “I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live” #Cour...

11x17 Car Magnets! - Restore Freedom Goodie of the Week

Get the Restore Freedom 11x17 car magnet today! Order it here: #RestoreFreedomGoodie #RestoreFreedom #MoreFreedomLessGovernment #Constitution #Law  [Posted by Lori DeVries]

Administrative Agencies Unconstitutional!

A MUST Read!  You know how I've been saying that ALL administrative agencies, administrative rules, etc are unconstitutional? This article describes the newest SCOTUS case on that point, and describes a bit of how the unelected administrative deep state is unconstitutional:

Right to Life, 2A & Religious Liberty - Friday's Freedom Fighting Tools

This week, we're providing you with the actual SCOTUS opinions, current documents filed in Gov Whitmer's MI Supreme Court Abortion "Rights" Case, and once again sharing the opportunity for you to join the Right to Life Amicus Brief, should the MSC allow additional briefing in July. 1 - Dobbs SCOTUS Decision - Abortion: 2 - NY State Rifle & Pistol SCOTUS Decision - 2A: 3 - Kennedy SCOTUS Decision - Religious Liberty: 4 - Gov Whitmer's Abortion Case in MI Supreme Court - documents & links: 5 - Join Right to Life Amicus Brief: #CourtDecision #USSupremeCourt #Opinion #CasePrecedent #RightToLife #2A #ReligiousLiberty  #Liberty #IndividualLiberties #ConstitutionMatters Truth #RestoreFreedom #MoreFreedomLessGovernment #Constitution #GunRights #SelfDefense #1A #RoevWade #Abortion #RightToLife #Overturned #Decision #Figh...