Friday's Freedom Fighting Tools for Municipal Governments!
MI Residents - - This link provides you with the full list of Cities, Townships, and Villages within each county.
FL & other residents - - This link defaults to MI as the state, but you can change it in the top dropdown option, so you can see all the municipalities in your own state.
MI's Charter Township Act -
But, I also have 2 organizations / websites to warn you about. These two organizations often have misinformation, especially as it relates to the duties of government bodies & government officials and the rights of citizens. They often demonstrate a complete lack of knowledge or understanding about the US & MI Constitutions, so BE AWARE! - Bad Info - Bad Info
#MunicipalGovernment #BEWARE #BadInfo #Constitution #Powers #Responsibility #NeedtoKnow #GetInvolved #Trustee #Local #Government #LocalGovernment #RestoreFreedomWeekly #Episode29 #RestoreFreedom #MoreFreedomLessGovernment #FreedomFightingTools #Freedom #Fighting #Tools
[Posted by Lori DeVries]
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