Who do you want to run for Governor in 2022?

Who do YOU want to see run for Michigan Governor in 2022?  Vote here: https://forms.gle/Z5A5DJczdoMTHcMD6 and share so your friends and family can vote, too!
#WeThePeople #ConstitutionMatters #FightForFreedom #RestoreFreedom #OathOfOffice


  1. We need to learn to "govern" ourselves. As George Orwell said in his book "1984" that they are now carrying out with their corporate marketing scams, government attracts the corruptible. And take a look around at our country. they have used their corporate laws to control and destroy the people's GOD GIVEN RIGHT TO LIFE with their bogus corporate laws they have passed UNCONSTITUTIONALLY to begin with. WHERE ARE ALL THE PEOPLE TO DEFEND OUR GOD GIVEN RIGHT TO LIFE OVER GOVENMENT DICTATION? No one has RIGHT TO PUSH THEIR WAY OF CORPORATE LIFE NOR "GOVERN" ANYONE. We need to educate our children to live WITHOUT the dependency of greedy people and their greedy laws and way of life. We are not slaves born to corporations to use as their "dead peasants, useless eaters, goyim or the collateral damage" they call us. They are not our "authority" as they have put themselves above the rest of these people. They have taken the "Constitution" and DESTROYED IT WITH THEIR FILTHY CORPORATE, BOGUS LAWS.

  2. When it is "legal" to sacrifice your children to their corporate wars so they can spread their monetary "gospel throughout all nations" BUT, "illegal" to drive without their corporate car insurance because they dictate the people's lives into poverty with their laws TO THE POINT THE PEOPLE CANNOT EVEN AFFORD IT, SOMETHING HAS GONE VERY EVIL WITH THIS COUNTRY AND THE PEOPLE RUNNING IT. PERIOD. 0:)


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