The Motion & Brief for all your COVID legal needs, well, almost 😉

The Motion & Brief for all your COVID legal needs, well, almost 😉
NEW resource on! Learn your rights on government property, in situations with law enforcement, and in exercising your 1st Amendment Rights - all from Katherine's Motion & Brief filed to Dismiss the case of her illegal arrest. 😃 Print it, read it, share it! 
#RestoreFreedom #ArrestedThenElected #MoreFreedomLessGovernment
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  1. Here's a new motto, "we won't have a cure for disease until we first have a cure for GREED". 0:)

  2. You can get better medical advice from a PAINTER then you can those corporate paid doctors about those masks and how safe they are to protect people from a "virus" that aren't even airborne. As the daughter of a bio chemist and come from a family of them. I can tell you bacteria are airborne but can reach up to 18 to 24 feet. What is with the 6 feet thing from George Orwell's book are they playing out? Our heart rate reads at a 6 foot frequency. So what are they really doing is my question? 0:)

  3. Ready to go down the rabbit hole even further? Remember the "aids virus" that was supposed to kill every one back in the 80's? they tried pulling this scam off back then to improve their corporate way of life. They used Magic Johnson as their fall guy but he didn't play his corporate role and play dead like the rest of those paid actors on a television. His punishment for not playing his role? They made him look like an idiot playing baseball. See how they work? "Freedom"? I and my brothers were the ones spreading the aids jokes because we knew from our mother it was another corporate scam. 0:)

  4. Here's the way to educate our children, "don't beLIEve what I say, RESEARCH WHAT I TELL YOU SO YOU CAN SEEK THE TRUTH FOR YOURSELF". 0:)

  5. Get ahold of a "Lysol" can from the 70's. I can CLEARLY REMEMBER it saying that "coronavirus" is one of them listed on the back of the can that could be killed with their "Lysol" spray. 0:)

  6. Research "Geo-engineering, aerosol spray and chemtrails". WHAT ARE THEY SPRAYING ON OUR HEADS FOR OUR FREEDOMS WORTH?


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