It Takes Work - Biblical Insight Week 30

If a man will not work, he should not eat (Thessalonians 3:10) 

God reminds us that we need to be willing to work if we want to reap any rewards. (Such as in Thessalonians 3:10) So, as we talked about over the last two weeks, make sure you are doing the work to pay attention to what's happening in your local and County levels of government. Stay informed, stay involved, and reap those just societal rewards.

#ItTakesWorks  #GetInvolved #Constitution #LocalGovernment #CountyGovernment #Commissioner #Powers #Responsibility #NeedtoKnow #SelfEducate #ThinkForYourself #Local #County #Government  #RestoreFreedomWeekly #Episode30 #RestoreFreedom #MoreFreedomLessGovernment #BiblicalInsight

[Posted by Lori DeVries]


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