EPA, CDC & *all* Administrative Agencies Unconstitutional - Week 27 WWTGI Challenge

Administrative Agencies (like the CDC and EPA, etc) are UNCONSTITUTIONAL, but don't just take my word for it! This week, we challenge you to read this great article about #AdministrativeAgencies AND the SCOTUS summary (only 6 very short pages!) of the newest court decision regarding Administrative Agencies. Don't be afraid of all the "legalese" - in our great Constitutional Republic (government Of the People, By the People and For the People), you've got this! 

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OKw9OSfpu8w3OmMAG0TwgzZ3c3czbpOl/view?usp=sharing, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OSF_ghwqaRQDomTnuAtyOdSyNMl1wiQg/view?usp=sharing

#CourtDecision #USSupremeCourt #USSCt #SCOTUS #Opinion #CasePrecedent #Court #CourtCase #Liberty #IndividualLiberties #ConstitutionMatters #Transparency #Government #GovernmentTransparency #OpenHearings #DueProcess #TruthMatters #Truth #RestoreFreedom #MoreFreedomLessGovernment #Constitution #Overturned #Decision #RestoreFreedomWeekly #Episode27 #WeThePeople #Law #Rights #SupremeCourt #EPA #CDC #NIH #DOL #DOE #DOT #HHS #DHS #FTC #SEC #Unconstitutional #DeclarationOfIndependence #July4th #July4 #IndependenceDay #Independence #7/4 #PendletonAct #AdmininstrativeAgencies #Agencies #GovernmentAgencies #AdminLaw #AdminRules #RulesAndRegulations #DeepState #Unelected #WW2GI #WednesdayWayToGetInvolved #WayToGetInvolvedChallenge #GetInvolved #Challenge #WednesdayChallenge #WayToGetInvolved #Grassroots #GrassrootsEfforts

[Posted by Lori DeVries]


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