Biblical Insight - The Allegan Election Day case dismissal
"You shall not pervert the justice due to your poor in his lawsuit." Exodus 23:6. This week, my Allegan County Election Day 2020 "Trespassing" case was FINALLY dismissed. While I am grateful that God allowed us to close out that chapter of our lives, it took 1 year, 8 months & 4 days; over $4,000 in transcript fees & appellate costs; over 10,000 miles of traveling to the Allegan Courthouse; 19 Motions & 5 Appeals; thousands of pages filed; hundreds of statutes, court rules, cases & Constitutional provisions cited; dealing with 5 Prosecuting Attorneys, 2 District Court Judges & 2 Appellate Judges; thousands of hours of legal research & writing; 11 court hearings; many days off work for Mike; etc to see this justice done. And this still does not make me whole for the countless signatures the RFI petition lost; the many bruises, contusions, cuts, abrasions, etc that I suffered at the hands of those 3 Sheriff's Deputies; the lasting emotional trauma that both I and my then 6 year old daughter Emma have suffered; nor the loss of faith in "the system" by myself and thousands of others for how this incident went down & how the judges and prosecutors continued the law violations for the near 2-year span of time. Although I finally "prevailed" in this criminal case, several government officials did everything they could to "pervert the justice due" to me - a homeschooling mom who donates 100% of her professional time to educating & empowering We The People. Mike & I are far from wealthy, and the court system routinely "perverts justice" for others similarly situated & many with even far less resources. This type of lawless, Godless behavior must NOT be tolerated! So, PRAY for those trying to defend themselves in these situations, those working to make real change on these issues, and for God to speak to the hearts of those perverting justice for all who are oppressed. #BiblicalInsight #BiblicalPerspective #Justice #Bible
[Posted by Lori DeVries]
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