
Showing posts from January, 2021

Letter to 2nd District Caucus

 View entire document here>  Letter to 2nd District Caucus PDF I have been asked about the legality of holding the 2nd District Caucus (where officers are elected) by Zoom next week. Since the interests involved go to the very heart of our constitutional proclamation that “All political power is inherent in the people” (Const 1963 Art I Sec 1), it is imperative that everyone understand the laws and Constitution in this regard. Indeed, with our constitutional republic on the brink of collapse, our best defense is arming the politically active with knowledge of what our constitution and laws require. Not only does holding our district caucuses in person comply with our state and federal constitutions, but also the Open Meetings Act (even as amended in October 2020), the MDHHS Orders, and the 2021 Michigan Republican Party Rules for County and State Conventions.

Vote for Katherine Henry - 2nd District State Committeewoman

  Covering your face is a choice.   Make sure you know the truth before making that choice. [Posted by Lori DeVries]

Who do you want to run for Governor in 2022?

Who do YOU want to see run for Michigan Governor in 2022?  Vote here: and share so your friends and family can vote, too! #WeThePeople #ConstitutionMatters #FightForFreedom #RestoreFreedom #OathOfOffice

Government entities can promote their own "reality," right?

WHO Changes Definition of Herd Immunity #TruthMatters

I'm asking for your vote!

Asking for your vote for MIGOP 2nd District Committeewoman - I am a Constitutional Attorney, homeschooling mom, business owner, and fierce advocate for the Constitution. I wrote & organized the Restore Freedom Initiative Constitutional Amendment Petition, assisted on cases to fight the election fraud, and argued on behalf of We The People against the governor's EOs in the Michigan Supreme Court. I lead Restore Freedom as it continues to educate citizens on the law & the Constitution, send out calls to action, connect patriots across the state through a new social media platform, and hold all government officials accountable to their oath of office. #MoreFreedomLessGovernment #RestoreFreedom #ConstitutionMatters #OathOfOffice #EveryVoteMatters

Officers Shall Be Bound By the Constitution

ALL state and federal senators, representatives, EXECUTIVE OFFICERS, and judicial officers “SHALL BE BOUND BY OATH or Affirmation, to SUPPORT THIS CONSTITUTION.”  US Const, art VI  #MoreFreedomLessGovernment #RestoreFreedom #liberty #ConstitutionMatters #OathOfOffice

The Motion & Brief for all your COVID legal needs, well, almost 😉 The Motion & Brief for all your COVID legal needs, well, almost 😉 NEW resource on! Learn your rights on government property, in situations with law enforcement, and in exercising your 1st Amendment Rights - all from Katherine's Motion & Brief filed to Dismiss the case of her illegal arrest. 😃 Print it, read it, share it!  #RestoreFreedom #ArrestedThenElected #MoreFreedomLessGovernment Help us continue our Education & Advocacy work by donating here:

We The People

Want a place to connect with fellow freedom fighters? Get kicked off Facebook? Want to boycott Twitter? A social media platform for Constitution lovers! #ByeByeTwitter #SayNoToBigTech #StopCensoringConservatives  #TruthMatters #RestoreFreedom #WeThePeople

Motion, Brief and Exhibits for the Defense of my Ridiculous Trespass Charge

Legal documents filed in my Election Day arrest case compelling the court to Dismiss the charges.   These documents not only have legal information related to my case, but are jampacked with legal information to help you learn your rights on government property, in situations with law enforcement, and in exercising your 1st Amendment Rights . . . and so much more! Print it, read it, share it!    #RestoreFreedom #MoreFreedomLessGovernment #ConstitutionMatters #ArrestedThenElected #OathOfOffice Click here for the documents:     Brief & Motion to Dismiss       Exhibits filed in Court

Other ways to Connect with us

With all the censorship going on, have you been wondering how else you can connect with Restore Freedom on social media?  (Telegram Channel) Profile @KatherineHenry on Clouthub #StopCensoringConservatives #WeThePeople #ConstitutionMatters #MoreFreedomLessGovernment #RestoreFreedom

We The People

Want a place to connect with fellow freedom fighters? Get kicked off Facebook? Want to boycott Twitter? A social media platform for Constitution lovers!

MDHHS Reveals its Order Mandating Facial Coverings for Students Lacks Scientific Support

  MDHHS Reveals that its Order Mandating Facial Coverings for Students Lacks Scientific Support. Hey you, School Officials, Elected Officials, School Board Members, State Policy Makers, not only is what you are doing unconstitutional, but it also completely lacks scientific support! #OathOfOffice #TruthMatters #IndividualLiberty #RestoreFreedom

We get our rights from God, not the Government

The people of the United States are each entitled to a “separate and equal station [by] the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.”  Decl. of Indep. We are “all created equal . . . endowed by [our] Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.  That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men.”  Decl. of Indep. When the government is destructive of securing our rights, “it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it.”  Decl. of Indep. When the government abuses our rights and usurps its authority, “it is [our] right, it is [our] duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for [our] future security.”  Decl. of Indep. “We the People of the United States, in order to . . . secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution.”  US Const, Preamble. “We the people of the State of Michigan, grateful to Almighty ...

How our rights are to be exercised...

 We are entitled to exercise our rights: Undiminished .  Const 1963, Preamble; Const 1963, art  I, § 4; Const 1963, art V, § 29  Unrestrained .  Const 1963, art I, § 5 Unabridged .  Const 1963, art I, § 5; US Const, Am I; US Const, Am XIV, §§ 1, 2; US Const, Am XV; US Const, Am XIX; US Const, Am XXIV; US Const, Am XXVI Uninfringed .  Const 1963, art I, § 17; US Const, Am II Unviolated .  Const 1963, art V, § 8, US Const, Am IV Undenied .  Const 1963, art I, §§ 2, 23; US Const, Am IX; US Const, Am XIV, §§ 1, 2; US Const, Am XV; US Const, Am XIX; US Const, XXIV; US Const, XXVI Undeprived.   Const 1963, art I, § 17; US Const, Am V; US Const, Am XIV Unabused.  Decl. of Indep. Unusurped .  Decl. of Indep. US Const = United States Constitution Const 1963 = Michigan Constitution of 1963 Decl. of Indep. = Declaration of Independence