Letter to 2nd District Caucus

 View entire document here> Letter to 2nd District Caucus PDF

I have been asked about the legality of holding the 2nd District Caucus (where officers are elected) by Zoom next week. Since the interests involved go to the very heart of our constitutional proclamation that “All political power is inherent in the people” (Const 1963 Art I Sec 1), it is imperative that everyone understand the laws and Constitution in this regard. Indeed, with our constitutional republic on the brink of collapse, our best defense is arming the politically active with knowledge of what our constitution and laws require. Not only does holding our district caucuses in person comply with our state and federal constitutions, but also the Open Meetings Act (even as amended in October 2020), the MDHHS Orders, and the 2021 Michigan Republican Party Rules for County and State Conventions.


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