Your Next Election: When, Who, What? - Week 24 WTGI Challenge

Find out when the next elections are in your state & city (likely primary elections), then find out which candidates & issues are on your next ballot. Identify which issues & candidates you support, and which you don't. Do your homework - don't guess or just take someone else's word for it.

Links mentioned in the video:

#RestoreFreedom #MoreFreedomLessGovernment  #Constitution #Candidate #PrecinctDelegate #KnowTheCandidates #Grassroots #GovernmentOverreach #OFthepeopleBYthepeopleFORthepeople #RestoreFreedomWeekly #Episode24 #Elections #ElectionWorker #PollWatcher #ElectionChallenger #GetInvolved #GetInvolvedWednesday #WayToGetInvolvedChallenge #RestoreFreedomChallenge

[Posted by Lori DeVries]


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