What did SCOTUS actually decide? - Week 26 WWTGI Challenge

This week, we're challenging you to pick just one of the 3 recent court decisions and simply read the court's summary of the decision (called the Syllabus, and usually about 6 pages). Which issue is most important to you? Right to life, 2A, or Religious Liberty?

The summary for each case can be found as follows: —Right to Life decision can be found on pg 1-8 at https://tinyurl.com/2s3v7ejy; —2A decision can be found on pg 1-6 at https://tinyurl.com/y98z8nha; —Religious Liberty decision can be found on pg 1-5 at https://tinyurl.com/2p87pchj. #CourtDecision #USSupremeCourt #USSCt #SCOTUS #Opinion #CasePrecedent #RightToLife #2A #ReligiousLiberty #Court #CourtCase #Liberty #IndividualLiberties #ConstitutionMatters #Transparency #Government #GovernmentTransparency #OpenHearings #DueProcess #TruthMatters #Truth #RestoreFreedom #MoreFreedomLessGovernment #Constitution #GunRights #SelfDefense #1A #RoevWade #Abortion #RightToLife #Overturned #Decision #RestoreFreedomWeekly #Episode26 #WeThePeople #Law #Rights #Roe #Wade #SupremeCourt #Dobbs #NRA #WW2GI #Challenge #WednesdayChallenge #GetInvolved #WayToGetInvolved #Grassroots #GrassrootsEfforts
[Posted by Lori DeVries]


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