Territorial, Personal, SMJ & Trespass - Week 22 Constitution Recap

Are you or have you been threatened with “Trespass”? More specifically, has a governing body that has said “if you don’t leave, we will trespass you”?

In this Constitution Segment Recap we remind you what ‘jurisdiction’ of a court means. Going over territorial and personal jurisdiction, as well as going into detail about Subject Matter Jurisdiction. Using the Allegan County case as an example, this will help you better understand what elements are required to suit the jurisdiction requirements of Subject Matter Jurisdiction.

We remind you that the people start with the authority to act - unless a legal and constitutional restriction is created. You’ll get a better understanding of what ‘trespassing restrictions’ are and what “government owned property” means.

Make sure to watch this week’s RFW #22 to get an even better understanding of jurisdiction and how “Trespass” can be applied: https://tinyurl.com/yc36ayvt

Make sure you sign up for our newsletter to get the Constitution Segment slideshow here: https://tinyurl.com/mz79frtr

#Jurisdiction #Court #ConstitutionSegmentRecap #Constitution #Law #CourtRules #Authority #Case #Trespass #Judge #RestoreFreedom #MoreFreedomLessGovernment 
[Posted by Lori DeVries]


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