Right to Life, 2A & Religious Liberty - Constitution Segment Recap Wk 26

Last week, the US Supreme Court issued 3 key decisions involving: abortion, gun rights, and religious liberty. Regardless of what a court says about those issues - what does the Constitution itself say? Watch this week's full episode from Tuesday or view the Constitution Segment Recap pdf here: https://tinyurl.com/4ve9rft9 #CourtDecision #USSupremeCourt #USSCt #SCOTUS #Opinion #CasePrecedent #RightToLife #2A #ReligiousLiberty #Court #CourtCase #Liberty #IndividualLiberties #ConstitutionMatters #Government #Transparency #OpenHearings #DueProcess #TruthMatters #Truth #RestoreFreedom #MoreFreedomLessGovernment #Constitution #GunRights #SelfDefense #1A #RoevWade #Abortion #RightToLife #Overturned #Decision #WeThePeople #Law #Rights #Roe #Wade #SupremeCourt #Dobbs #NRA #ConstitutionSegment [Posted by Lori DeVries]