State Executive Branch of Government - Week 18 Constitution Recap

In this RFW Constitution Segment Recap, we go over;

When talking about the state of Michigan’s Executive Branch; how are ‘Rights’ and ‘Powers’ applied? What does the Constitution of Michigan say about Executive Branch organization? What are the duties of the Executive Branch when someone in public office is violating the constitution? Constitutional Oath of Office; who is required to take it and what happens when they don’t?

To get a link to the slideshow for this constitutional segment, be sure to sign up for our weekly newsletter here:

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To find out more about Ryan D. Kelley go to his website at: 

#RestoreFreedom #MoreFreedomLessGovernment #Constitution #Candidate #Gubernatorial #RyanDKelley #KelleyForGovernor #MINextGovernor #KnowTheCandidates #WeThePeople #OathofOffice #ConstitutionViolation #ConstitutionSegment #ConstitutionRecap #ConstitutionSegmentRecap #ExecutiveResponsibilities
[Posted by Lori DeVries]


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