Judge Correctly, Judge Fairly - Biblical Insight Week 20

John 7:24 - “Stop judging by mere appearances, but instead judge correctly.” (Substantive due process) Proverbs 31:9 - “peak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.” (Procedural due process) #Judge #BiblicalInsight #SubstantiveDueProcess #SDP #Government #Court #Courts #Justice #Michigan #Allegan #AlleganCounty #Trial #Criminal #CriminalLaw #Crimes #Law #CriminalProcedure #CourtRules #Constitution #WeThePeople #Substantive #RestoreFreedomWeekly #RFW #14thAmendment #14A #5thAmendment #5A #Procedural #ProceduralDueProcess #DueProcess #LifeLibertyProperty #Deprived #ShallNotBeDeprived #RestoreFreedom #MoreFreedomLessGovernment

[Posted by Lori DeVries]


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