Departments and Agencies of the Executive Branch - Week 18’s FFFT

Departments and Agencies of the Executive Branch - Week 18’s Friday’s Freedom Fighting Tools

Get to know your Executive Branch’s departments and agencies. How complex is your state government? What offices are there? Which offices do you vote for? Which ones are appointed or created by the governor, legislature or … ?  

Government and the different layers , levels, acronyms and everything else can be quite overwhelming and complicated, but we have to start somewhere.

Michigan Executive Branch Departments -

Florida State Agencies -

Minnesota State Agencies, Boards, Commissions -

#RestoreFreedom #MoreFreedomLessGovernment #Constitution #Candidate #Gubernatorial #RyanDKelley #KelleyForGovernor #MINextGovernor #KnowTheCandidates #WeThePeople #ExecutiveResponsibilities #Government #Department #Agency #Layers #Levels #FridaysFreedomFightingTools #FFFT #FreedomFightingTools #FightingTools #Tools
[Posted by Lori DeVries]


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