An Update Regarding the Coronavirus January21, 2022 from Dr. Dubravec
An Update Regarding Coronavirus
Dr. Martin Dubravec
January 21, 2022
This information is being provided on a periodic basis for patients and others interested in updates regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19, Sars-CoV-2). Facts are provided. My comments and opinions are listed separately. The goal of these updates has been to help the community in keeping informed of issues regarding Coronavirus from a local medical perspective. As a clinical immunologist, I believe it is vital that information be shared with regard to this important issue. If you would like to receive this information via Email, feel free to Email us at . The opinions expressed in this Email are that of Dr. Dubravec. Good doctors can disagree. Readers are encouraged to seek as much information as possible regarding COVID-19. Information in this Email is not intended as a replacement for diagnosis or treatment by your doctor. Nothing in this Email provides medical advice or any form of diagnosis or treatment. Medical decisions should be made by the patient’s physician. All information provided here is for general informational purposes and is not medical advice to users.
Please note that we are no longer using Facebook for posting these Emails. We prefer an Email format for this information. If you would like to receive this information via Email, feel free to Email us at .
The FDA has approved two pills for the acute treatment of COVID-19: Pfizer’s Paxlovid and Merck and Ridgeback Biotherapeutics’ molnupiravir. As far as effectiveness, Paxlovid showed an 89% decrease in risk of hospitalization or death and molnupiravir showed a 30% decrease. Paxlovid is contraindicated with a host of medications.
These two new medications for COVID-19 are the newest form of treatment for the virus. They are meant to be given within 5 days of the onset of symptoms and are to be given for “mild to moderate” COVID-19. Paxlovid has a host of drug-drug interactions which will most likely limit its use. The cost of this therapy for a 5 day course is expected to be about $700. The drug interaction risk with molnupiravir is unknown, and its effectiveness is certainly not impressive at only 30%. Availability of these drugs is also questionable as demand may be high and only limited supplies are available. These drugs are given as a 5 day course.
When comparing these drugs to Ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine, it seems that Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are still favored for acute treatment, based on the combination of factors including availability, cost, safety, limited drug-drug interactions, and cost. For example, hydroxychloroquine showed an 84% decrease in the risk of hospitalization in a randomized controlled trial when given early with zinc and Zithromax (azithromycin).
The other issue is whether or not these medications will be necessary at all in the future. Although COVID-19 is expected to be with us indefinitely, it is becoming less and less dangerous but still present and may always pose a risk of severe illness (like any viral illness) in small, vulnerable populations (those with multiple severe medical problems). Experts in the field of virology are predicting that COVID-19 will become simply another cause of the common cold.
People with positive COVID-19 tests have spiked again over the past few weeks. Death rates from COVID-19 remain low.
The rise in COVID-19 is most likely secondary to the Omicron variant of COVID-19. It is very active in our area. As described elsewhere, this is not as severe as other variants of COVID-19. This is not to say that people are not feeling it: the symptoms of Omicron are still significant at times, ie, like a bad flu. The difference is that hospitalizations seem to be significantly less among our patients and other problems, such as secondary pneumonia, are not seen to any significant extent. Patients are feeling acute flu-like symptoms earlier than the delta variant and are calling for advice and treatment sooner. We have noted that vaccinated patients may be getting hit harder with Omicron. We will continue to see if this becomes a major trend among our patients.
Some experts are stating this may be the last major peak of COVID-19. We will see if that’s the case. For high risk patients and those over 40, it is still reasonable to consider early treatment with antiviral, antibiotic, and anti-blood clotting therapy.
Great Britain has abruptly ended lockdowns, vaccine mandates and other public health measures related to the COVID-19 epidemic. France and Denmark are also looking at easing restrictions. Austria has voted to mandate all citizens over the age of 18 be vaccinated by February or face fines and possibly jail time.
The confusing array of new mandates and easing of up mandates across the world carries no rational explanation. It is bizarre that Great Britain is suddenly ending its drastic restrictions on personal freedom while Austria (birthplace of Adolph Hitler) is instituting the most comprehensive forcing of vaccination among its people. Many are concerned that, once again, other forces than science are driving this patchwork of politician action.
One bit of science that could be playing a role in the easing up of mandates is that Omicron may be the last major source of COVID-19 illness before the virus becomes just another cold bug. Another potential explanation for easing restrictions is that the promise of the vaccines has not been realized. The president of the pharmaceutical company Pfizer recently admitted that the 2 shot Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine was not effective in preventing COVID-19(
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