Update from Ottawa Impact 10/04/21
Facebook is down, and so are mask mandates in other counties.
Ottawa Impact is online, and since we rely on email to communicate directly with Impacters like yourself, we can still share the latest news.
However, since the governor signed Public Act 87, health departments covering the following counties have removed their mask mandates:
- Allegan
- Barry
- Branch
- Berrien
- Dickinson
- Eaton
- Hillsdale
- Iron
- St. Joseph
Public pressure is a major factor in these decisions. County officials also cited Section 1222 (4) of Public Act 87:
If a local health officer has an emergency order under section 2453 of the public health code, 1978 PA 368, MCL 333.2453, in effect as of October 1, 2021, the funds appropriated in part 1 for essential local public health services are unappropriated.
Section 250 of Public Act 87 states:
The director or a local health officer shall not issue or enforce any orders or other directives that require an individual in this state who is under the age of 18 to wear a face mask or face covering.
During last week's county commissioner meeting, Corporation Counsel Doug Van Essen said:
"This is Lansing intermurals. It really doesn't affect us directly, the question is, would we get our check?"
Mr. Van Essen also commented:
"The burden ... is on the Legislature. They would have to sue ... to compel the un-appropriation of their appropriation to Ottawa County."
"If we don't get our check, I'll let you know, because it's a blatant violation of our rights."
We have repeatedly been told that Ottawa County must follow the law. However, in the current situation, is Mr. Van Essen advising Ottawa County not to follow a law passed by the Michigan Legislature and signed by Governor Whitmer?
If other counties revoked their mask mandates, citing Public Act 87, why isn't Ottawa County?
Ottawa Impact's mission is to preserve and protect the individual rights of people in Ottawa County - from any and all violations!
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We are building an unstoppable movement for FREEDOM in Ottawa County. Our members are passionate about protecting We The People from "blatant violations" of our individual rights. Please join us and make your voice heard!
[Posted by Lori DeVries]
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