Redistricting update and more, from Ottawa Impact - 10/21/21
From Joe Moss, Founder of
The generous people of Ottawa County have helped the Legal Fund raise $52,195 to support the parents who filed a legal complaint against the Ottawa County Commissioners and Health Department. Thank you!! (This is 52% of our goal.) We will share more updates as they are available.Please share this update with your family and friends, and let them know how the Ottawa County leadership views the mask mandate as harmless:
Your friends and family can stay up-to-date on local issues by becoming a member of Ottawa Impact. Government overreach must be challenged. Ottawa County needs new leaders, for new times, for liberty! Redistricting Action Item We have one final opportunity to make an impact on the state level with the "independent" redistricting commission. The redistricting commission is tasked with drawing new lines every 10 years. This is an important issue because several of the maps divide Ottawa County into three federal congressional districts for no logical reason. This would negatively impact our representation in Washington D.C. by splitting up Ottawa County. The commission does not have anyone from West Michigan on it, so please let them hear your voices. This Friday, the commission will be holding a public comment meeting in Grand Rapids at the DeVos Place (in the Steelcase Ballroom). The meetings are 1:00 PM to 3:30 PM, and 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Four ways to make an impact: 1. Write a quick comment to support map 201. This map keeps Ottawa County together and does not try to lump communities like Hudsonville with Grand Rapids. Click here to make a positive comment on this map. 2. Write a quick comment thanking Redistricting Commissioner Lange for listening to us and keeping Ottawa County whole in her map. Click here to map a positive comment on Commissioner Lange's Map. 3. Submit a longer written comment in the Michigan portal. Ottawa County should be kept together because of the economic, manufacturing, and agricultural ties that make our community a unique community of interest. Click here to submit a written comment. 4. For the maximum impact, speak in-person or via phone/Zoom tomorrow! From my understanding, those who attend in-person will be able to speak first, then individuals who join via phone/Zoom. Each speaker will have 90 seconds. Location: DeVos Place in Grand Rapids Thank you to those who have already stepped up to help make an impact with redistricting. Together we have mobilized hundreds of people to be involved! Our voice and our community matters. Let's finish strong and tell the redistricting commission to keep Ottawa County together. This is what Unified Political Action is all about. [Posted by Lori DeVries] |
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