Ottawa Impact Lawsuit Fundraising Update - 10/18/21

From Joe Moss, Founder of

The Legal Fund has raised $49,955 to support the lawsuit against the Ottawa County Commissioners and Health Department.

The leaders in Ottawa County are committed to keeping our kids masked. They are ignoring the facts that adults who wanted the shots have had time to get them, and the risk to children of hospitalization and/or death is essentially zero, as reported by the county itself. Even the CDC recognizes that:

"Most children with [the virus] have mild symptoms or they may have no symptoms at all."

If you donate $45 right now, you will help us reach the halfway point of $50,000!

Please keep in mind how the Ottawa County leadership views the mask mandate:

Harmless Mask Mandate?

Government overreach must be challenged. 

Ottawa County needs new leaders for new times, who understand and prioritize the principles of liberty set forth by our Founding Fathers.

Donate Now

This lawsuit is an opportunity for everyone to take action together, which is what Unified Political Action is all about. 

[Posted by Lori DeVries]


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