From Kent County GOP 9/30/21

Yesterday, the MI Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission went rogue by drawing a congressional district draft map that includes the City of Grand Rapids with the City of Kalamazoo. Who has advocated for them to do this? No one! Grand Rapids and Kalamazoo have little in common and should NOT be considered a community of interest. The current maps also split many of the suburban areas of Grand Rapids from the City in a separate congressional district, including Ada, Sparta, Cedar Springs, Rockford, Lowell. Instead, these areas would be drawn in a congressional district all the way to the City of Midland! If you're from one of these suburbs, you don't say you're from Midland, you say you're from Grand Rapids. Clearly this was drawn to benefit the Democratic Party by packing their voters within one Congressional District. We cannot let this happen!

We need YOUR help to send a message to the Commission to reject this proposed map. Here are four ways you can help: 
1. SUBMIT WRITTEN COMMENT: Drop the commission a note in the public portal letting them know you are opposed to the proposed congressional map and why. CLICK HERE to submit a written comment. 

2. SUBMIT DRAFTS OF MAPS: Submit your own Congressional District map that keeps Kent County whole. CLICK HERE to submit a map.
3. CALL-IN TO ONE OF THE COMMISSION'S MEETINGS: The Commission is meeting every day and is continuing to draw map drafts. We need individuals to attend the meeting virtually by Zoom and speak at the beginning of each meeting during public comment. Contact Kent GOP Political Director Mike Sullivan if you are willing to speak at 616-459-0141. 
The maps that are drawn by the Commission will be the district lines for the next 10 YEARS! Our party needs to take a stand today to stop this Commission from going rogue. Contact Kent GOP Political Director Mike Sullivan with any questions to concerns 616-459-0141. 

Mike Sullivan

[Posted by Lori DeVries]


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