Ottawa Impact Update = Sept. 30, 2021 at 1:30 PM - Ottawa County Board of Commissioners meeting.


The first Action Item on the Agenda for the upcoming Ottawa County Board of Commissioners meeting this Thursday, September 30, at 1:30 PM includes:

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“Suggested Motion: To approve and authorize the Board Chairperson and Clerk/Register to sign the Resolution Supporting Passage of Legislation to Adopt 4-Year Terms for County Commissioners.”

On July 27, 2021, following two months of repeated requests from citizens to sign the Resolution to Restore Freedom, the commissioners instead approved a proposed "Policy on Resolutions" which prohibits the commissioners from taking up resolutions on issues where it does not have authority.

The length of county commissioners’ terms is NOT an issue over which the Board of Commissioners has statutory authority, but it IS an issue in which they have PERSONAL INTEREST.

What is the recent history of the county commissioners with resolutions? Click here to read more:

Resolutions for Me, Not for Thee

With four-year terms for county commissioners being considered in the Michigan Legislature, it's becoming more important than ever that Ottawa County has people with courage and conviction elected to serve in these positions.

[Posted by Lori DeVries]


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