An Update Regarding the Coronavirus September 29, 2021 from Dr. Dubravec
An Update Regarding the Coronavirus
Dr. Martin Dubravec
September 29, 2021
This information is being provided on a periodic basis for patients and others interested in updates regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19, Sars-CoV-2). Facts are provided. My comments and opinions are listed separately. The goal of these updates has been to help the community in keeping informed of issues regarding Coronavirus from a local medical perspective. As a clinical immunologist, I believe it is vital that information be shared with regard to this important issue. If you would like to receive this information via Email, feel free to Email us at . Readers are encouraged to seek as much information as possible regarding COVID-19. Your patience with any unintentional typos in these updates is appreciated!
We have treated a significant number of patients with COVID-19 over the past two weeks. However, this week, we have seen a decrease in the number of cases. Like March/April 2021, this office has seen a peak of calls regarding COVID-19 over the span of about 10 days, followed by a week of few calls, and then another 10 days of heavy phone calls regarding active COVID-19 symptoms.
Despite over 79% of Michiganders over the age of 65 having received at least one dose of an experimental gene therapy COVID-19 vaccination, they remain overwhelmingly the most significant group of people to die from COVID-19. The vaccines have had no impact on the death rates in this group according to data generated by the state of Michigan.
We can learn a lot regarding COVID-19 when we treat and follow those with the infection. This is only one office’s experience, but it nonetheless is of interest and may be helpful in treating patients. Comparisons can be made to previous flares of COVID-19 in our area.
One significant observation is that this latest increase in COVID-19 cases is disproportionately severely attacking men compared to women. Although both sexes are getting COVID-19, the only group getting hospitalized (indicating severe symptoms requiring supplemental oxygen) are men (in the patients with whom we have interacted). Nausea, fever, back pain, severe fatigue, and lung symptoms are very common now. Loss of taste or smell is not a common symptom with this latest flare. Taken together, these indicate a distinct possibility that we are seeing a new variant of COVID-19 in our area. There is significant controversy with regard to the concept of variants of COVID-19 as less than 5% of COVID-19 swabs are being analyzed for variants. Furthermore, the science of identifying variants is at times seemingly sketchy, i.e., what is defined as a variant and how was it found? However, after following scores of COVID-19 positive patients and their symptoms, it is clear to me that COVID-19 continues to evolve. The death rate and hospitalization rates of COVID-19 remain extremely low. Nonetheless, it can be deadly and no treatment is 100% effective in curing this disease or stopping death from COVID-19 in all cases. We can only do our best to be prudent in trying to prevent illness and in actively treating the disease as early as possible. We continue to see significant benefit in the use of early multi-medicine treatment for COVID-19.
One of the treatments that can be extremely effective in combating COVID-19 is the EARLY use of monoclonal antibody therapy. It is safe and has received Emergency Use Authorization by the FDA for COVID-19. The challenge is getting it early. There are also moral reservations for this treatment as its development has involved the use of fetal stem cells. It must be given in an infusion center and is currently distributed by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services to certain facilities. Our experience has been that the demand has far outstripped the ability of various facilities to give out the infusions. Nonetheless, we continue to try in our efforts to get early treatment for COVID-19. The use of these infusions for a high risk individual who carries a significant risk of death from COVID-19 may be a consideration.
It is clear that COVID-19 is not going away, appears less lethal, is certainly still contagious, and is still very treatable. The misinformation regarding this disease remains very significant. (See below.)
Misinformation regarding COVID-19 continues to be prominent. Discussions regarding raw data are often lacking.
Attorney Thomas Renz has released a presentation of data he received from the Center for Medicare Services (Medicare) regarding COVID-19 treatment and vaccination in the elderly population of the United States. The Medicare population makes up about 20% of the American population and has been significantly impacted by COVID-19.
This latest information regarding COVID-19 should be concerning to us all. We need to take a long and hard look at how we as a nation are dealing with this disease.
[Posted by Lori DeVries]
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