Dr. Martin Dubravec - May 27, 2021 - An Update Regarding the Coronavirus Epidemic
An Update Regarding the Coronavirus Epidemic
Dr. Martin Dubravec
May 27, 2021
This information is being provided for patients and others interested in updates regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19, Sars-CoV-2) epidemic. Facts are provided. My comments and opinions are listed separately. The goals of these updates have been to help the community in keeping informed of the epidemic from a local medical perspective. As a clinical immunologist, I believe it is vital that information be shared with regard to this important issue. If you would like to receive this information via Email, feel free to Email us at aasc1234@protonmail.com . Please note we have transitioning to a new Email address as listed here. (Our old Email address was aasc1234@hotmail.com .)
Positive COVID-19 tests have decreased nationwide by over 93%. Patients in the hospital in our area of Michigan with positive COVID-19 tests have decreased by 70% from March/April 2021.
Continued low numbers of positive COVID-19 test results, many of which can be considered false positive tests not reflective of true COVID-19 infection, continues the trend we have seen since the second half of April 2021. This lends further data to the notion the COVID-19 epidemic is over.
The CDC has announced it is investigating possible heart disease (myocarditis) with the most recent gene therapy vaccines. Although the CDC states the risk of myocarditis is not significant with these vaccines, the following was noted with regard to the vaccines and heart disease:
- predominantly in adolescents and young adults,
- more often in males than females,
- more often following dose 2 than dose 1, and
- typically within 4 days after vaccination.
The state of Connecticut has announced that 18 cases of myocarditis in teenagers have been reported to the state department of health in association with administration of the experimental gene therapy vaccines.
Myocarditis is defined as inflammation of the heart muscle. It is extremely rare. It almost never happens in children and young adults.
The announcement by the CDC is very puzzling. It states that “Within CDC safety monitoring systems, rates of myocarditis reports in the window following COVID-19 vaccination have not differed from expected baseline rates.” This seems absurd; what is the baseline rate of myocarditis from COVID vaccines? There is none. These are newly designed gene therapies that have not been tested in children (except for some short term testing which included monitoring children for 1 week after their vaccinations!) before being given to the American population. The Moderna experimental COVID-19 vaccine underwent a total of NO animal studies before it received Emergency Use Authorization. The baseline is being discovered now. Vaccinating children makes them the experiment.
As stated many times, there is no need to rush into vaccination with these experimental gene therapy vaccines until appropriate research has been completed. This is especially prudent given the continued statistical data showing the COVID-19 epidemic is over. As stated by Dr. Ryan Cole, an expert in lab-associated medicine, “We’ve seen more deaths from this shot (experimental gene therapy COVID-19 vaccines) than all vaccines in the last 20 years combined – and that’s just in the first 4 to 5 months (of vaccine administration).”
Dr. Anthony Fauci recently admitted that a little more than 50 to 60% of NIH employees had received the experimental gene therapy COVID-19 vaccines. Dr. Peter Marks confirmed a similar percentage of employees at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration had been vaccinated.
Source: https://www.c-span.org/video/? c4963284/user-clip-fauci- admits-50-60-cdc-nih- employees-vaccinated
Significant numbers of National Institutes for Health and Food and Drug Administration employees have not gotten vaccinated. Perhaps they are concerned about the safety and efficacy of the vaccines?
A group of doctors has sued in federal court and requested a Motion for a “Temporary Restraining Order Against Use of COVID Vaccine in Children”.
The use of experimental gene therapy COVID-19 vaccines has been controversial for many reasons. One of the most important considerations is the unknown long term side effects these vaccines could have. It is one thing to consider long term side effects if you are advanced in age. It is another thing if you are young and have a long life expectancy ahead of you, are healthy, and your risk of problems with Coronavirus infection are statistically 0%. A few important points from the document presented to the court are important to review:
- With regard to people under 16 years of age, “the CDC acknowledges they face 0% risk of mortality from COVID-19 statistically.”
- “In approximately January of 2020, the media began creating and circulating news stories that seemed designed to generate panic, regarding a new and deadly disease that could kill us all. This was odd given that the estimated fatality rate at the time was between 2-4%. By contrast, tuberculosis has a fatality rate of approximately 10%, the original SARS virus had a fatality rate of approximately 9%, and the MERS virus had a fatality rate of approximately 30% - all had similar rates of spread. The actual COVID-19 statistics present a very different picture than the one painted by the media - a fatality rate of 0.2% globally, which drops to 0.03% for persons under age 70, which is comparable to the yearly flu. Further, statistically, the fatality risk is limited to the elderly population.
- “Department of Health and Human Services Data are now showing that 95% of deaths classed as "COVID-19 deaths" involve an average of four additional comorbidities. This misattribution of the cause of death undoubtedly stems from the substantial government subsidies paid to incentivize such misreporting of COVID-19 deaths.”
- “Manufacturer inserts furnished with the PCR test products include disclaimers stating that the PCR tests should NOT be used to diagnose COVID-19. This is consistent with the warning issued by the Nobel Prize winning inventor of the PCR test that such tests are not appropriate for diagnosing disease.”
- “The CDC has announced it will no longer compile and report data showing the total number of vaccinated who subsequently contract COVID-19: “[We are] transitioning to reporting only patients with COVID-19 vaccine breakthrough infection that were hospitalized or died to help maximize the quality of the data collected.” There appears to be an agenda to protect the myths about the vaccine, rather than the public.”
- “It is important to note that the Pfizer and Moderna EUA COVID-19 experimental injections were only shown to reduce symptoms – not block transmission.”
[Posted by Lori DeVries]
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