Dr. Martin Dubravec - May 21,2021 - An Update Regarding the Coronavirus Epidemic

NOTE:     This information is being provided for patients and others interested in updates regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19, Sars-CoV-2) epidemic.  Facts are provided.  My comments and opinions are listed separately.  The goals of these updates have been to help the community in keeping informed of the epidemic from a local medical perspective.  As a clinical immunologist, I believe it is vital that information be shared with regard to this important issue.  If you would like to receive this information via Email, feel free to Email us at aasc1234@protonmail.com .  Please note we have transitioning to a new Email address as listed here.  (Our old Email address was aasc1234@hotmail.com .)


Positive COVID-19 tests in the state of Michigan continue to dwindle.  Positive tests in the state have decreased by over 80% from their peak in April.  Nationwide, positive COVID-19 tests have decreased by 90%.  In our area, Munson Medical Center reports a total of 33 patients today in its hospitals who are hospitalized with positive COVID-19 test results.

Source:  https://www.michigan.gov/coronavirus/0,9753,7-406-98163_98173---,00.html



Is the COVID-19 epidemic over?  If we consider the number of positive test results for COVID-19, which do not represent true infection in many cases (ie, there are high numbers of false positive tests), and we look at the small number of positive tests nationwide, we are seeing a consistent trend that for most of the United States most likely represents an end to the Coronavirus epidemic.  We are still seeing cases of COVID-19 in our area (positive test results with symptoms consistent with COVID-19), but even these cases have significantly decreased since last month.  The development of herd immunity seems to have finally taken a decisive hold in the United States.

Nonetheless, it will be necessary to continue to be vigilant for outbreaks.  Depending on future mutations, no one can predict whether or not there will be a rise in new COVID-19 cases in the future.  The good news is that this is unlikely, as other Coronaviruses have been with us for years without significant numbers of deaths in the American population as the population develops herd immunity to the viruses.  The big unknown is that, since this virus was heavily manipulated in a laboratory (Wuhan Virology Center), essentially making it a “synthetic” virus, the potential exists that this virus may behave differently than other Coronaviruses.  So far, however, it seems to be taking a predicable course in that it is becoming less lethal, more contagious (before herd immunity set in), and is rapidly decreasing in incidence.

The drumbeat of COVID-19 continues, however, with many news media outlets continuing to bludgeon the American population with a daily barrage of COVID, COVID, COVID.  From continued news reports, often with misinformation or the censorship of information contrary to a certain narrative, to public service announcements constantly pummeling us with the need to receive experimental gene therapy vaccinations, the negativity can be overwhelming.  The FDA states that “The recipient or their caregiver has the option to accept or refuse” these vaccines.

It is at times breathtaking to see the lack of knowledge regarding these experimental gene therapy vaccinations by those who actively promote their use.  Many people have received these experimental gene therapy vaccinations with little or no background information with regard to their safety or effectiveness.  Before receiving ANY vaccine, patients should be apprised of the benefits vs. the harm of vaccination.


COVID-19 related restrictions placed on businesses and Michigan residents by governmental agencies are being discontinued.

 Source:  ‘A really good day for business’ as Michigan acts to lift COVID limits | Bridge Michigan


After over 15 months of limitations and restrictions, it seems as if there may be light at the end of a long tunnel.  Many governmental restrictions have not been based on science.  Their removal is also not based on science.  It is clear that COVID19 cases have decreased dramatically, but this has only occurred in our area over the past 4 weeks.  Nationwide and in Michigan, the development of herd immunity is the reason we are seeing such a decline in cases.  However, if there has been so much success with public health measures (mask mandates, lockdowns, social distancing, etc.), then why the rush to end these if they are so protective?

Perhaps the science showing time and time again that these measures have no impact on COVID-19 is beginning to take hold.  Maybe people are getting fatigue over the constant pounding of COVID-19 news and are tuning out, thereby causing a loss in the effectiveness of fearmongering.  After all, if the overall survival rate of COVID-19 is over 99%, why is there so much fear?  Another possible explanation - could it be that people have less fear if they are vaccinated (despite the science showing that vaccination will have no significant impact on the trajectory of the virus)?  Could it be that elections are coming up next year and politicians are concerned about getting re-elected?  Could it be that God is merciful after so many have dealt with misery (interpersonal isolation, loss of business and jobs, closure of churches), death and complications from the virus (including a lack of early treatment, increase in suicides and cancer due to lack of access to medical care)?

As Memorial Day approaches in a little over a week, it is time that Americans reflect on what has happened, both good and bad, in our individual and collective responses to this virus.  May we not repeat mistakes we made, and may we take any good that we have been able to gather from this unfortunate time in American history and capitalize on it.  The virus will always be with us.  May those who fear it get over that fear.  May those who have been victims of the virus (directly or indirectly) be comforted by us and each other; and may those who get sick with COVID-19 in the future know they can be treated and cared for with aggressive early treatment.

[Posted by Lori DeVries]


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