An Update Regarding the Coronavirus Epidemic Dr. Martin Dubravec April 23, 2021
An Update Regarding the Coronavirus Epidemic
Dr. Martin Dubravec
April 23, 2021
This information is being provided for patients and others interested in updates regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19, Sars-CoV-2) epidemic. Facts are provided. My comments and opinions are listed separately. The goals of these updates have been to help the community in keeping informed of the epidemic from a local medical perspective. As a clinical immunologist, I believe it is vital that information be shared with regard to this important issue. If you would like to receive this information via Email, feel free to Email us at .
After a peak in January 2021, nationwide cases of people with a positive COVID-19 PCR test have decreased by approximately 70%. In Michigan, a peak in cases over the past two months occurred on April 5. A rise in hospitalizations then followed. Local hospitals have reported record numbers of positive COVID-19 patients. In our office, we have seen a decline in patients reporting COVID-19 symptoms. This mirrors statewide data over the past week.
There is good news regarding COVID-19 on a nationwide basis. We are also possibly beginning to see a decline in cases locally. We had a peak in activity in early March, then a decline for a short period of time, only for it to increase again earlier this month. Hopefully, this is the beginning of a sustained decrease in patients with active COVID-19.
No one can predict with certainty what will happen with this virus in the future. As more people become exposed to the virus, we can hope and expect that herd immunity will continue to cause cases to decrease as people become naturally immune to the disease.
There are many who hope that the new experimental gene therapy vaccines will speed up herd immunity. Preliminary data has not yet borne this out.
Early treatment remains the key to addressing this virus. Patients with COVID-19 symptoms (flu-like symptoms) should seek treatment as soon as possible (within 3 days), as the earlier one is treated, the greater the likelihood that treatment will work. No treatment is 100% effective for all patients, but data regarding early treatment (hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin) shows an 80-85% success rate in preventing hospitalization from COVID-19.
Data regarding the effectiveness of currently available experimental gene therapy vaccines is lacking. The safety of these vaccines is also not known. Preliminary data is beginning to come in regarding the safety and effectiveness of these therapies which have received conditional use approval from the US government.
The currently available COVID-19 vaccines (conditional use, emergency use authorization experimental gene therapy vaccines) have been in use with no significant data to show their effectiveness or safety. As an example, people with prior COVID-19 infection were excluded from the very limited human trials conducted by Pfizer and Moderna in the run up to the vaccines being given to millions of Americans. The Moderna vaccine underwent no animal trials prior to being approved for human use. Data stating that these vaccines are “95% effective” are at best misleading: the “effectiveness” of any vaccine is not measured at 6 or 8 weeks after vaccination. It can only be measured at years after vaccination. All of the currently available COVID-19 experimental gene therapy vaccines should be considered to carry the risk of producing blood clots, as they have been reported in all of the vaccines.
Our office has seen numerous vaccine reactions to the currently available COVID-19 vaccines. Although this is not settled science but only an observation of one clinic that treats these patients, it is nonetheless remarkable that we have had so many reports of adverse reactions to these vaccines. Life-threatening reactions and deaths from these experimental vaccines are rare when compared to the number of people who have received the vaccines. However, the same statistics are present when looking at the number of people who have died from COVID-19 compared to the number of people who have had the illness. The risk of death from COVID in Americans is less than 0.03%. The overall survival rate of COVID-19 is 99.98%.
We have also received reports of businesses where numerous employees are sick with COVID-19 even though they have been vaccinated. In one location, no less than five employees, vaccinated in January 2021, have recently been infected with COVID-19.
It has been this office’s recommendation that no one under the age of 70 should receive the currently available experimental gene therapy COVID-19 vaccines pending further data showing their safety. In those over the age of 70, it is also questionable whether the risk of vaccination is worth it in an otherwise healthy person. It is my hope that these vaccines will be shown to be safe and effective. No one should be coerced or pressured to receive or not receive any vaccination.
It is my recommendation that any patients who decide to be vaccinated should first be tested for COVID-19 IgG antibodies. If they have antibodies, they should seriously reconsider their decision for vaccination as they carry an increased risk of severe reactivity to the vaccine.
Patients at risk for severe illness to COVID-19 can consider preventative therapy with either hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin taken weekly or every two weeks. Data shows that these medications can prevent COVID-19 infection in many, but not all, patients. These medications carry a track record of safety that far exceeds that of the currently available vaccines for COVID-19.
Is there a safe alternative? Sanofi is currently working on a protein-based vaccine that may be safe for use as it uses longstanding technology that has been utilized for years in other vaccines. (
Please post updates more often, they are very helpful. Thank you!