Barry-Eaton District Health Department Board Meeting....

The Barry-Eaton District Health Department board met Friday, 3/26. The board is comprised of 3 commissioners from Barry and 3 commissioners from Eaton. They were asked to reduce all regulatory costs to the hard hit restaurants. 

Jon Smelker (Barry) with the support of Ben Geiger (Barry) and Dave Jackson (Barry) led the charge to have licensing fees waived for restaurants in the district but were met with push back from the Eaton County members of the board.

These are the names and phone numbers to the commissioners that occupy the board from Eaton County.  If you’re in Eaton County, please take a moment to compel these members to offer the regulatory costs relief to the restaurants. 

Joe Brehler


Blake Mulder


Jeremy Whittum


This will be the main topic at our April 8 meeting in Freeport of which you are welcome to come. 7 pm at 223 Division Street in Freeport.


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