Another Sneak Peek at the Brief

Another sneak peek at the brief:
Let’s be clear - this kind of thing doesn’t happen. A small town government-owned property that serves as both a town hall and a library is the poster child for a public forum - a place devoted to assembly, debate, consultation, and the free exchange of ideas. Defendant, like everyone, received her blessings of liberty from God, not the government. Yes, we the people hold the sovereign power. Indeed, we the people established our constitutions (and thereby created our government) to secure our God-given unalienable rights. Government doesn’t have its own source of rights, sovereignty, or property ownership. Instead, government holds public properties in trust for use by the public. “Governments act on behalf of the people” with all their authority derived from the people.


  1. I wish I was the judge looking at your motion for summary disposition. I would happily grant your motion immediately. I think the officers who did this illegal nonsense should be in jail for their careless behavior not only to your constitutional rights but also thumbing their nose at the rule of law as if the law doesn't apply to them.

    I wish you well Katherine Henry. Keep up the great work you are doing across the great State of Michigan.


    Jesse Cummings
    Battle Creek, Michigan

  2. What used to be said of some over grown children, such as three bully thugs man handling a woman would be, "I would love to meet their parents" of these three. What kind of people do this? This has gone on so long in this country that not only to these three armed government employees think they have any kind of right to do this but the public evidently believes this is okay also. The laziness and lack of education of history of what this evolves into is available from any library. The same kind of uncaring people brought the NAZIS and Communists to power. Better get behind someone like Ms. Henry and do anything you can to help her because you will be helping yourself.


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