When you really want others to start paying attention to the Constitution...

#RestoreFreedom #MoreFreedomLessGovernment #ConstitutionMatters


[Posted by Lori DeVries]


  1. See, here's the problem. We cannot LOVE our neighbors when we are no more "educated" then to PROFIT off them. I believe it was Jesus who said "you cannot love money and your Father". Well, common sense and DECENCY is something they cannot teach in a "public" school system when profits is all they can educate the children with. The "Constitution" was designed to PROTECT the INDIVIDUAL. NOT THESE FILTHY CORPORATIONS AND THEIR BOGUS CORPORATE LAWS. And NO ONE had the authority to change it. But because they cannot teach what they do not have, morals will NEVER be taught in their "public" school system. Ya know, it goes hand in hand with their filthy monetary way of life they FORCE and "mandate" on the people under more corporate bogus law. 0:)


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