Who would you like to see run for governor?

Who would you like to see run for governor? 

Take our survey and share it into your groups!   https://tinyurl.com/y4ftp45z

#MoreFreedomLessGovernment #GoodbyeWhitmer #RachelsRundown [Posted by Lori DeVries]



  1. We need to ABOLISH this filthy corporate infested government and start forming groups to take care of the people they have driven into this state of HELL we now live in. Where are the real patriots to the Creator to stand for ALL PEOPLE AND NOT JUST A FEW AND THEIR CORPORATIONS AND FILTHY CORPORATE LAWS that have turned the DECENT people of society into criminals as the REAL CRIMINALS get away with EVERYTHING they do under the guise of "LAW". What happens when we allow one group of corporate greedy people to "govern" our lives? We all turn out with a FORCED AND MANDATED "education", if that is what you wanna call it, to be slaves to corporations running around with mask on getting all their "expert advice" from psychopaths and paid actors to say whatever they are told to for a paycheck on a television. YaY for "freedom"? Seems to me we have all been CONNED by their monetary system of greed and shame called an eCONomy. 0:)

  2. Doubt how corporate infested our government is and always will be? Just ask Halliburton Oil how much them and their banker buddies collected off the blood of the people's children off that bogus war they started from the crimes they pulled off on 9/11. I believe it was a 38.5 billion dollar profit? What part of that is Jesus saving? Every bit of their money is BLOOD MONEY. 0:)

  3. Oh, and the PEOPLE will be happy to know all their BLOOD MONEY went to Dick Cheney for all those new hearts he probably stole off the victims of their war crimes. I suppose if they don't sin then Jesus died for nothing? Is that their corporate motto? 0:)


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