EPA, CDC & *all* Administrative Agencies Unconstitutional?!? S1E27

CDC, NIH, DOL, DOE, DOT, HHS, DHS, FTC, SEC, EPA - are these Administrative Agencies constitutional? What the Constitution says about *ALL* administrative agencies, administrative rules, etc ... What the newest SCOTUS decision says about the EPA & Administrative Agencies . ... A great article describing this issue and the SCOTUS case on point: https://ift.tt/VKHYNr1 , https://ift.tt/QCYES9I (Note: Original air date for this episode was July 5, 2022. This is a merge of two attempts to do the episode while traveling on the road to Michigan for Katherine’s trial) #CourtDecision #USSupremeCourt #SCOTUS #Opinion #CasePrecedent #Liberty #ConstitutionMatters #Transparency #Government #OpenHearings #DueProcess #TruthMatters #Overturned #Decision #WeThePeople #Law #Rights #EPA #CDC #NIH #DOL #DOE #DOT #HHS #DHS #FTC #SEC #Unconstitutional #DeclarationOfIndependence #July4th #IndependenceDay #PendletonAct #AdmininstrativeAgencies #AdminRules #RulesAndRegulations #DeepState #Unelected


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