Divide and Conquer? Ottawa Split Into THREE Congressional Districts... An Update from Ottawa Impact

From Joe Moss, Founder of Ottawa Impact (OttawaImpact.com):

We have big announcements coming soon, so we wanted to get this request out beforehand.

Sometimes we find simple, concrete ways for Impacters to take action, and that is what this email is all about!

The new "Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission" just released maps for West Michigan. They are tasked with drawing new district lines.

  1. They split Ottawa County into THREE Congressional Districts instead of one.
  2. They put Georgetown Township with Kent County!
  3. The current draft dilutes Ottawa’s unified voice. 

If the redistricting commission splits up Ottawa, that will undermine our long-term impact. (Side note, Kent County was not split up...)

Please take a few moments to submit written comments to the commission so they can hear your voice!

Submit Public Comment

You can write something like: 

Title: Ottawa County Belongs Together!

Message: As a resident of Ottawa County, the fastest-growing county in Michigan, I believe we need to keep our community of interest intact. Please do not split up Ottawa into different districts. Please keep our local communities, especially Georgetown Township, within one district for Ottawa County! This makes sense and ensures we can be represented fairly.

This issue touches every person living in Ottawa County, right now and for years to come, so please make your voice heard.

[Posted by Lori DeVries]


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