
Showing posts from November, 2021

How do You Feel About the Michigan Judicial Branch?

There are two surveys out there to let our courts know what your thoughts are with them. & Take some time to let them know! #RestoreFreedom #MoreFreedomLessGovernment #ConstitutionMatters [Posted by Lori DeVries]

An Update Regarding the Coronavirus November 12, 2021 from Dr. Dubravec

An Update Regarding the Coronavirus   Dr. Martin Dubravec November 12, 2021 This information is being provided on a periodic basis for patients and others interested in updates regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19, Sars-CoV-2).  Facts are provided.  My comments and opinions are listed separately.  The goal of these updates has been to help the community in keeping informed of issues regarding Coronavirus from a local medical perspective.  As a clinical immunologist, I believe it is vital that information be shared with regard to this important issue.  If you would like to receive this information via Email, feel free to Email us at .   The opinions expressed in this Email are that of Dr. Dubravec.  Good doctors can disagree. Readers are encouraged to seek as much information as possible regarding COVID-19.   Information in this Email is not intended as a replacement for...

Ottawa Impact Update 11/12/21 - Lawsuit Update

From Joe Moss, Founder of  We received a court date for the lawsuit against Ottawa County! You can read the request for summary disposition by  clicking here . Take Personal Action! Our message is reaching thousands of engaged, conservative citizens in Ottawa County. We need your help! Ottawa Impact is 100%  volunteer , and our team appreciates the opportunity to serve Ottawa County. It is truly a blessing - yet, it comes with many financial expenses. If 50% of the people receiving this email take personal action right now by donating $25 or more, we will be able to fund our anticipated operational expenses for next year! Donate Any Amount! Why is Ottawa Impact Involved? Everything we do is focused on restoring and protecting your personal freedoms. Michigan citizens are guaranteed a Constitutional Republic form of representative government. An unelected, unaccountable Health Director and Legal Counsel must not be allowed to rule all the people. The Board...

🔥⚠️📣URGENT CALL TO ACTION📣⚠️🔥 RE: SB 0428 - add to MCL 333.2253 & MCL 333.2453

SHARE this FAR and wide!!! 🔥⚠️📣URGENT CALL TO ACTION📣⚠️🔥 RE: SB 0428 - add to MCL 333.2253 & MCL 333.2453 Do our legislators have the authority to give the health department the authority to mandate masks? Why are they trying to give it to them, as long as they don’t mandate it on children under the age of 5? This bill has already passed through the senate (05/13/21) and is now on the Michigan House of Representatives’ calendar this Tuesday 11/9/21 - (the bill can be found here: ) … call AND email them and let them know we never gave them this authority and therefore they do not have the authority to give it to the health department. Find your house representative here: Then find the senate representatives that voted “Yea” and ask them why they are violating the constitution. You can find these reps here: #RestoreFreedom #MoreFreedomLessGovernment #Constitution...

Article on Amicus Briefs - by Marion P. Hammer - USF Exec. Dir. - NRA Past President

  DATE: November 5, 2021 TO: USF & NRA Members & Friends FROM: Marion P. Hammer   USF Executive Director   NRA Past President   When people who are uninformed try to write about subjects of which they know nothing, it gets comical. Such is the case exposed in the article below concerning the NRA's funding of academic research on the Second Amendment. Many organizations, on both sides of the issue, fund academic research. Unlike manufactured disinformation and propaganda that is often quickly written, legitimate fact-based research takes time and must be funded. The article below explains it well. bloombergs-child- propagandists-discover-amicus- briefs-and-other-cool-legal- stuff/   Bloomberg’s child propagandists discover amicus briefs and other cool legal stuff By Lee Williams I’m guessing the kids working at the Trace don’t get out much. They don’t seem to have a lot of life experience. The Trace is, of course, the propag...

"Every 2 Hours, Another Child Suffers a Seizure from the MMR Vaccine" - Update from PIC - 11/05/21

 From: Dear Members and Friends, We’re reaching out to you today in recognition of  National Epilepsy Awareness Month  (NEAM), November 2021. Physicians for Informed Consent (PIC) recognizes this national month of awareness by providing information to families, organizations, and the public about the prevalence of seizures from the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine. Seizures from the MMR vaccine occur in about  1 in 640   children  within two weeks of receiving the first dose of the MMR vaccine, amounting to approximately  5,700 cases of MMR-vaccine seizures  annually in the U.S. A significant portion of MMR-vaccine seizures may cause permanent harm, as 5% of febrile seizures may result in epilepsy. Consequently, about  300 MMR-vaccine seizures (5% of 5,700) may lead to epilepsy annually . More information on these findings, including details on the supporting studies as well as educational resources, can be found at  physiciansf...

Ottawa Impact Update - 11/03/21

From Joe Moss, Founder of Elected officials, bureaucrats, and schools have forgotten their place. Government is not the parent. As  reflected in Virginia  yesterday, PARENTS WILL take back America for their children. The policies and positions of the Ottawa County Board of Commissioners and the Health Department will not be tolerated or forgotten by Ottawa County parents. During the last 20 months, the County Commissioners have drawn praise from the Democrat Party, which also supports harsh enforcement of public health orders, and Critical Race Theory, under the guise of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Enough is enough. At the primary election of August 2, 2022, PARENTS WILL bring change to the Republican-led Ottawa County Board of Commissioners, and in November, to local school boards. In 271 Days, Parents will unite for liberty and choose NEW LEADERS. New leaders will stand boldly for the people,  as Governor-Elect Glenn Youngkin has promised to do in...

"Implied consent" defined by WHO

Do you trust your child’s school?   " Implied consent" defined by WHO - this article is from 2019. #RestoreFreedom #MoreFreedomLessGovernment [Posted by Lori DeVries]